Saturday, February 21, 2009

Introduction: Hi, I'm Chase. Nice to meet you.

By Chase (

Enter my world. Enter my reality. Enter the never ending stream of thoughts constantly spiraling throughout my mind, wandering around with no direction. They don't know where they're going, but they always manage to find their way. Enter my life. A life of conscious pleasures. I now enter yours.

I'm Chase. A pleasure to meet you. What's your name? Throughout these escapades I hope to excite you, stimulate your minds, and improve your lives. All I need is once chance, one opportunity and a couple of minutes of your time. There's plenty to discuss and I'm talking and typing and reading and listening. Tell me what's on your mind, I'll be telling you what's on mine. This is my life, this is your life, and this blog is our crossroads, where we meet. Feel free to be apart of this, it's a two way street, I am more than happy to hear any of your issues, comments and concerns.

Among many topics, you'll hear me talking about relationships and dating, that's my true niche. Every facet and dynamic between the male and female and how they've come to live happily ever after, or haven't is my true passion. I love it. From studying countless of hours, amounting to days, to months, to years, on the very topics of men and women relationships. Witnessing a man and woman bond and the thought of that bond lasting forever is invigorating, I live for that very moment.

Come along for the journey, it's worth your time. I appreciate my good friend Surajo Bello in giving me the privilege to be a part of this. We're here to offer you value, value to your mind, body, and lifestyle. Accept it and do the same.

As always from now on feel free to drop me a line, comment, or concern of what's on your mind at: