The realization has dawned on me. I had to learn the hard way, but you don't. Ladies and gentlemen, listen up. Looking for that makeout? Want to go in for the kiss? Wondering when it's going to happen? Why's it taking so long? Remember this, KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid. Everything in life, and more importantly dating/relationships is made much more complex than it should and needs to be.
Simple is good. Simple leads to less stress. Less agony. Less pain. I'm sure that's what you desire. No more physical, emotional distress. No more hijacked mind, thinking about that person all the time. No more buts, can'ts, what ifs, or whys. No more. Keep it simple stupid.
Every person in existence desires a companion, a significant other. For the sake of keeping it simple, girls like guys, guys like girls. Girls want guys. Guys want girls. Both guys and girls have needs; emotional and physical. Both guys and girls want to be liked by each other, they both want to kiss, they want to share moments.
So when you've been going out for months and he hasn't officially called you his girlfriend, and you sit and wonder why? You didn't keep it simple stupid. She's been flaky on the phone? You're make it too complicating, just keep it simple stupid. Desperately seeking that babe working in the store's attention? Stop over thinking, that's right, keep it simple stupid.
See a reoccurring trend here? It's simple isn't it? Each situation is as complex as you decide to make it be. If you see someone you like, instead of hoping they notice you or instead of strategically positioning yourself in a place you hope they'll see you, go up to them. Talk. We're people, that's what we do. The bigger deal you make it, the more complex it becomes. Introduce yourself, smile, say hello. Keep it simple stupid. Instead of hoping someone tells you they love you, or like you, take that shortcut, simplify the situation, let them know. I like you. You'll get that kiss you seek.
KISS - try it. Let me know the results. Stop overthinking, stop waiting, stop making excuses, stop over-complicating things, simplify your life. Repeat it, next time you start getting anxious in front of that hottie: Keep it simple stupid.