Sunday, February 22, 2009
Can I get a Tom-allelujah?
If I had to pick my favorite menswear designers the list would be limited to 4 designers that are currently the creative directors of their brands. The four designers are Surajo Bello for Surajo Bello, Ralph Lauren for Ralph Lauren, Domenico Dolce & Stefano Gabbana for Dolce & Gabbana, and the uber stylish Tom Ford for Tom Ford. Spring is on the way and my Spring/Summer menswear offerings consist of floral prints mixed with solid pastels, slim silhouettes, defined shoulders, and body skimming seams. Don’t be the boring guy. Its not about impressing, because expressing yourself is way more fun and cool. Style is about expressing yourself. So express yourselves fellas, because I will. You know wonderful weather calls for wonderful colors, and Tom Ford has captured the idea, and theme for his Spring/Summer '09 collection. My favorite looks are the third and fourth ones, f***ing pimp. Tom-allelujahhhhh!