Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Woman's Fantasy: "The Moment"

By Chase []

How many times have you heard a women say they never plan to get married or have any children? While some genuinely believe in that, I call bullshit for most.

A main issue with most girls is they didn't experience "the moment." No matter what age, how old, how young, how ugly, how pretty, how smart, how stupid, how bad they smell, how good they smell, how lonely, how not lonely, how rich, how poor, how they dress, how they don't dress, how yellow their teeth are, how white their teeth are, where they're from, what language they speak, what culture they are accustomed to, there is one prevailing thought, they all desire to be swept off their feet. Every woman.

"No woman wakes up in the morning, thinking, god, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today."

If she tells you she doesn't she's lying, doesn't think you have the ability to, wants it from someone else or plain doesn't like you in that way, but she definitely wants to be.

Chances are that a woman who is happily in a long-term relationship has been swept off her feet by her current boyfriend or at one point in her life. She can die happy, because it happened. If she's gotten into a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and wasn't swept off her feet, chances are trouble and a rocky road with bumps in that relationship lie ahead.

Then we have the classic female, the ones who have no faith in the male gender, don't think they'll ever meet anyone worthy enough to marry, better yet, don't think they'll meet a guy that has that ability to sweep them off their feet.

Fellas, that's all they really desire.

It's really hard to blame these women who have their doubts. In actuality, the majority of men have no clue what they are doing when it comes to women, they consist of "game" but have yet to discover it. They haven't a clue how to utilize their strengths and show these attributes to the woman they desire, then ultimately, and sadly some never get to unleash their maximum potential. It is similar to a hidden talent, like touching your tongue with your nose, juggling, dividing complex numbers at a rapid pace, it's all within, you just need to dig deep and let it out.

Once you figure it out, that's a whole topic in of itself.

When a woman is swept off her feet, she experiences what I like to call "the moment." The moment is indescribable, it's basically an orgasm of emotions. Women respond with emotions, that is their language, men respond with logic, reasoning, so the two are essentially communicating in different languages, yet want the same thing, resulting in misunderstanding and confusion, and ultimately lack of "the moment." It's as if you're talking to someone in Chinese but he is speaking back to you in Spanish, it is a lost cause, where the situation deteriorates and gets ugly fast.

See, when "the moment" happens, you just know it does. The world stops, there could be chaos all around, but it's like the matrix, the moment is a bond - spiritual, emotional that connects the two and everything else doesn't matter. Time stops. Problems stop. Everything stops. You are right there and right then and could care less about what's going to happen and what happened.

Everything else has no meaning other than what's going on right now.

Any girl that has experienced the moment knows exactly what this is. Any guy that has created the moment at one time or another knows exactly what this is. See, now we're on the same page. We're speaking the same language. It's a me + you scenario, not a me vs. you idea. Me + you = the moment. Me vs. you = have a nice life.

It's what she glowingly explains in detail to her girlfriends about the next day. It's a fantasy. All woman desire to live in a fantasy world, growing up every girl has a fantasy, a romantic one and for many it's getting married. The moment brings out the little girl within, it excites the woman like she was a little girl in the candy store, it's straight out of a movie, a Cinderella story, almost surreal. A primary reason why girls seek to get married (moreso than guys) is because they want to live their fantasy, they want to be in that moment, that moment they will remember forever.

Guys, there is no correct, right or constant formula/equation to create the moment, you have to figure it out and tailor it yourself and style. Fail. Try again. Keep going. Keep setting yourself and putting yourself in the position to create it, you'll know when it's happening. Now there's numerous factors that goes into creating the moment, to be explained in other posts, but it consists of being in the right frame of mind, displaying confidence (physically also), leading the interaction, these are just some elements among a few. If you're not accustomed to creating the moment, you must become. In order to do so, you must change your mindset and your normal routine, especially on dates.

Guys, if you're not creating "the moment" or haven't ever, or if your relationship becomes sour when you're with a girl...NEWSFLASH: your current game sucks, is boring and continues to repel women. If it's not, you're getting lucky. Go play the lotto. You'll be in for a rude awakening.

Now the burden is not all primarily on the guys, that's not fair. Sure, it's their move to make (only because society has you to believe so,) but ladies you're not off the hook either. You hear women saying it all the time...why can't I meet a great guy? Guys, translation: when will I meet a guy that's going to give me the moment.

Ladies, speaking on behalf of all men in society, I say you must allow for the opportunity. The moment is only created when there's an a window of opportunity. Give him a chance. If anything, let him fail miserably. It's actually cute, ain't it?

Let's put it into perspective. It's as if you're on one side, there is a door and the male is on the outside. The guy is going to come knocking (he's going to talk to you, call, text or establish communication) - society has embedded into our culture that it's a must usually for the guy to initiate, and it's ultimately the woman's decision to decide whether to open the door or not and let him in. Don't half ass it either. Don't open it slightly, take a peek, then close it. If you do, then don't go crying about how miserable he was and you can't find anyone. If you keep opening and closing it, here's either going to break it down (if that's what you want by all means,) or stop showing up at your doorstep, knocking, he'll move on to some other door.

This cannot be stressed enough, open the door. After your initial judgment and you decide to go on that date, the games stop, either you open the door fully or might as well keep it shut. See, you don't have to let him in, but open it and open yourself to an exciting world that he has to offer on the other side. If he doesn't, move on.

It's mind boggling how many times women complain about men, when good guys with admirable and desired traits are all around them but they fail to capitalize and give them a shot.

Next time you say you don't want a man, a relationship, or to get married, ask yourself, did you ever experience the moment? Have you ever been swept off your feet?

Fellas, are you the best you can be and are offering the best you can offer, you must be by creating "the moment?"